
As a leading internet advertising and marketing company, Przyjazny Katalog Stron offers a competitive and comprehensive pricelist for businesses and individuals looking to promote their websites and blogs. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best return on investment by offering affordable and effective advertising solutions. Our pricelist is divided into different advertising options, each tailored to meet the specific needs and budget of our clients.

Basic website design package

The Basic website design package is an affordable and straightforward option for creating a professional and functional website for small businesses or personal use.


Social media management services

Social media management services help businesses and individuals effectively manage and optimize their online presence on various social media platforms.


Search engine optimization (SEO) services

SEO services involve implementing strategies and techniques to improve a website's visibility and ranking on search engine result pages, ultimately driving more organic traffic and potential customers to the site.


Content creation and copywriting services

"Content creation and copywriting services help businesses effectively communicate their message and engage with their target audience through compelling and high-quality written content."


Email marketing campaign setup and management

"Email marketing campaign setup and management involves creating targeted email lists, designing visually appealing emails, and analyzing data to adjust and improve the campaign's effectiveness."


Online advertising campaign management

Online advertising campaign management involves creating, monitoring, and optimizing digital advertisements to effectively reach and engage with target audiences.


Website maintenance and updates package

A website maintenance and updates package ensures that your website stays current, secure, and functional, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.


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